Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the 61st A.H.C. and Detachments
Dedicated to the 61st AHC, 616th Transportation, 922nd Signal, 193rd Medical Detachments, 364th Aviation Support Detachment (ATC), and our aviators and crews whose lives were lost for our country and Allied Forces. NOW MORE ADDITIONS TO ROSTER
- - - NEWS UPDATE - - -
* * 2024 Annual Corn Field Reunion Update * *
! ! HUEY helicopter RIDES may be provided by pilot Frank Brisker ! ! (weather permitting)
* * 2024 Annual Corn Field Reunion Update * *
! ! HUEY helicopter RIDES may be provided by pilot Frank Brisker ! ! (weather permitting)
(weather permitting)
The 2024 Iowa Corn Field Reunion is scheduled for 5 thru 8 September 2024! First meeting begins at 17:00 on September 5, 2024 at the ICE HOUSE, Clarinda, IA. We are planning to have HUEY RIDES available (looking promising)for those who are interested (weather permitting). Contact Mike Zogleman at (712)-310-4151 or email to "mikezogleman@gmail.com" for more information and reservations. BETTER YET, call Deb Elliott AT (316)371-1449 OR email to "delliott7777@gmail.com"
Join the 61st Group for the Kansas City Royals game on Sunday, September 8. The game starts at 1:10 pm. The Royals have been contacted for meeting with players on game and a tour of the Kaufman stadium on Monday, the 9th. You can reserve attendance by contacting Gordon Wax at email "starblazer61ahc@gmail.com"
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The 61st Post Exchange
Lucky Star, Starblazer, A Company, 1st and 61st Patches and 61st coffee cups are available.
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* * "Lucky Star" call-sign over Alabama * *
Former 61st AHC soldiers are very proud the "Lucky Star" radio call-sign is now heard over Fort Novosel (formerly Ft. Rucker) air space! The A Company unit patch features the 61st service years, yellow star, Lucky in script, and dice showing 6 & 1.

A Company, 1st Aviation Battalion, 212th Aviation Regiment now uses the "Lucky Star" radio call sign and unit crest after being presented with a letter of transfer at a 14 December 2018 ceremony in the Army Aviation History Museum. The transfer letter, addressed to the Alpha comany commander and staff, was signed by former 61st company commanders LTG Ellis Parker, FA,(deceased 26 March 2020), and MG Lou Hennies, IN, and COL Emmett Johnson, SC, each US Army retired.
A (Alpha) Company instructors and staff provide advanced training in the Black Hawk helicopter for all US Army & allied countries UH-60 pilots. The radio call sign "Lucky Star" is used by the pilots during the UH-60 advanced training. Ft Novosel (formerly Ft. Rucker) is the home of the US Army Aviation Center of Excellence.
The 61st had several notable company commanders during its activation. LTG Parker, sometime called the "Godfather of the Army Aviation Branch", was instrumental in forming the aviation branch after the Vietnam war. Army Aviation became a separate branch on 12 April 1983. He was the first and longest serving Aviation Branch Chief with more than five years in that role. General Parker is inducted into the Army Artillery and Aviation Halls of Fame. MG Hennies help to establish the 160th Special Operations Regiment and is inducted into the Army Aviation Hall of Fame. After retiring from the Army, COL Johnson served as the Dean of Auburn University Aviation School.
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61st KIA Tribute & Name List for Our Brothers Who Died In Service Project - open 2017-24 or until completed
A tribute brick array will cap the 1st Aviation Brigade array and be surrounded by 61stindividual bricks. This also is a great way to support Army Aviation Museum Foundation (AAMF) and give a lasting memory of those who died in service with the 61st AHC. See Contact information below for more information.
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61st Border Bricks 2017-24 Ordering ReadyThe AAMF will leave about three rows of bricks around the 61st Aviation Dedication or re-set bricks for us through the end of 2024. The 61st set an example for other units who have followed with their brick groupings. This is a good way to support the AAMF with your brick order. Please print the order form found below to reserve your brick placement in our grouping. A "Buddy-UP" brick can accomodate 2-3 names sharing one brick. The cost is $50 and $75 shared with your buddy. See Contact below to arrange your Buddy-UP brick with Gordon.
This is a beautiful and lasting entry to the Army Aviation Museum.
The AAMF will leave about three rows of bricks around the 61st Aviation Dedication or re-set bricks for us through the end of 2024. The 61st set an example for other units who have followed with their brick groupings. This is a good way to support the AAMF with your brick order. Please print the order form found below to reserve your brick placement in our grouping. A "Buddy-UP" brick can accomodate 2-3 names sharing one brick. The cost is $50 and $75 shared with your buddy. See Contact below to arrange your Buddy-UP brick with Gordon.
This is a beautiful and lasting entry to the Army Aviation Museum.
"61st A.H.C. BORDER bricks application